.. _rethon-docs-label: Rethon ====== A Python package for modeling the method of reflective equilibrium based on |bbb2021|. Installation ------------ With :code:`pip` (👉 |rethon_pypi|) .. code-block:: bash pip install rethon From the source code: You can install the package from the source code by * first git-cloning the repository: * :code:`git clone git@github.com:re-models/rethon.git` * and then installing the package by running ':code:`pip install -e .`' from the local directory of the package (e.g. :code:`local-path-to-repository/rethon`) that contains the setup file :code:`setup.py`. (The :code:`-e`-option will install the package in the editable mode.) .. note:: The package requires a python version >= 3.8 and depends on the |theodias| package, which will be installed automatically by pip. Documentation ------------- The :ref:`tutorials ` provide step-by-step instructions of using the :code:`rethon` package. Further details can be found in the :ref:`API documentation `. .. toctree:: :hidden: Tutorials API documentation Logging ------- :code:`rethon` logs via a logger named 'rethon' and configures 3 loggers ('tau','rethon' and 'dd') as specified in the configuration file code:`rethon.config.logging-config.json`. Both 'tau' and 'rethon' output their logs up to the DEBUG-Level to :code:`sys.stdout`, :code:`sys.stderr` and to the file 'rethon.log'. The 'dd'-logger uses the same output channels but does only log beginning from level ERROR. If you want to customize the logging, you can remove the loggers' handler and specify you own handlers (see, e.g., ``_). Licence ------- |licence| References ---------- .. |bbb2021| raw:: html Beisbart, Betz and Brun (2021) .. |theodias| raw:: html theodias .. |rethon_pypi| raw:: html https://pypi.org/project/rethon/ .. |licence| raw:: html MIT Licence