.. _tau-docs-label: Theodias ======== A Python package for dialectical structures. The `theodias` package provides different classes and methods to apply the theory of dialectical structures (as introduced in [Betz2010]_ and [Betz2013]_). Installation ------------ With :code:`pip` (👉 |theodias_pypi|) .. code-block:: bash pip install theodias From the source code: You can install the package from the source code by * first git-cloning the repository: * :code:`git clone git@github.com:re-models/theodias.git` * and then installing the package by running ':code:`pip install -e .`' from the local directory of the package (e.g. :code:`local-path-to-repository/tau`) that contains the setup file :code:`setup.py`. (The :code:`-e`-option will install the package in the editable mode.) .. note:: The package requires a python version >= 3.8 and depends on the packages `bitarray `_, `numba `_ and `PySat `_ (which will be installed by pip automatically). Documentation ------------- A Jupyter notebook provides step-by-step instructions of using the :code:`theodias` package (:ref:`theodias tutorial `). Further details can be found in the :ref:`API documentation `. .. toctree:: :hidden: Tutorials API documentation Logging ------- :code:`theodias` uses a logger named 'tau' but does not add any logging handlers. Accordingly, logs will be printed to :code:`sys.stderr` if the application using :code:`theodias` does not specify any other logging configuration (see ``_). Licence ------- |licence| References ---------- .. [Betz2010] Betz, G. 2010, |betz_2010|, Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann. .. [Betz2013] Betz, G. 2013, |betz_2013|, Synthese Library, Dordrecht: Springer 2013. .. |betz_2010| raw:: html Theorie dialektischer Strukturen .. |betz_2013| raw:: html Debate Dynamics: How Controversy Improves Our Beliefs .. |theodias_pypi| raw:: html https://pypi.org/project/theodias/ .. |licence| raw:: html MIT Licence